Demonstrated at specialist show

The Low Carbon Agriculture Show took place this week at the National Exhibition Centre at Stoneleigh and was well attended, with seminars packed full of agricultural professionals looking to learn about the implementation of low carbon technology and best practice in both carbon and environmental land management.

Service Dealer owner Duncan Murray-Clarke attended the show and said how impressed he was with both the exhibitors and learning opportunities on offer.

"It was the first time I had visited the show," said Duncan, "and it was clear it was an event that's evolving and will become an increasingly important date in the industry's calendar. 

"The seminars which were standing-room-only, were offering real-life advice to the customers of our dealer readers on how they could improve their working practices to lower their carbon usage."

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The seminar sessions were busy across the show

Machinery exhibitors at the event included JCB, New Holland and Reesink. However, Duncan said he found the UTV and utility vehicle exhibitors to be of particular interest.

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Marc Monsarrat, director of dealership Off-Road Electric

One company that caught Duncan's eye was Off-Road Electric, an Oxfordshire-based dealership specialising solely in fully-electric off-road and utility vehicles. Duncan said, "I spoke to proprietor Marc Monsarrat and found his story about establishing a dealership to only sell electric machinery fascinating.

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John Hourihan, market and dealer development at Eco Charger

"Also interesting was talking to Jon Hourihan of Eco Charger, a British manufacturer of all-electric quad bikes. He told me their utility vehicles are fully assembled here in Weston Super Mare, shipped globally and they are evolving their dealer network."

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Philip Nunn, director Autonomous Agri Solutions

Duncan also said he spoke to Philip Nunn of Autonomous Agri Solutions who were displaying the Robotti technology alongside an example of the Small Robot Company's portfolio.

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Rob Pearson, CEO Autospray Systems

As well as these examples of future-tech, Duncan also spent time with Rob Pearson, CEO of Autospray Systems who have recently been granted the UK's first-ever Operational Authorization from the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) for agricultural spraying operations.

Duncan said, "I believe that in time, progressive dealers could become an important part of the jigsaw for the distribution of advanced technologies such as these."

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Duncan at the show this week

Duncan summed up his visit to the show saying, "The attendance at Stoneleigh this week demonstrated a clear appetite for knowledge and information about low-carbon solutions by farmers and professional end-users.

"The show may be relatively small-scale now, but it's definitely the future."

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