To consider position of women in the dealer sector

Service Dealer has established an informal group with women in key roles at dealerships around the country, to discuss issues faced and to think about what could perhaps be done as industry to improve the current situation.

The group comprises of:

Service Dealer owner, Duncan Murray-Clarke said, "I don’t have to tell our readers that the Service Dealer Conference and Awards demographic is predominantly male and 'of an age'. This is of course reflective of the industry. But I can’t help being a little optimistic with our awards last year, as there appeared to be some - if small - momentum shift. By establishing what we're currently calling The Working Title Group, we wanted to see if we could leverage the experience, wisdom and knowledge of our readers in some way to perhaps encourage a more diverse set of entries into the awards this year.

"There is also the wider discussion to be had of course, regarding the industry and what can be improved for women who are currently members - or for attracting potential new members. And who knows, maybe we can spread the net wider in time regarding inclusion.

"I have no preconceptions regarding this scheme. Initially the hope it is just to see what we can do to help through utilising the advice of our expert panel. Then we can see where it leads. We are though in the unique position to be able to feed back to the whole industry - dealerships, distributors and manufacturers."

Our panelists said . . .

Joanne Balmer

jo balmers sml

"I’ve been working within the groundcare machinery industry on and off now for 25 years - it’s an exciting and varied profession to be part of, but unfortunately we still don’t see many females within our dealerships. So I’m looking forward to being involved with this group to start conversations of how as an industry, we can come together to make it a diverse, inclusive and welcoming sector for all to work within."

Kelly Burgess

kelly burgess buxtons sml

"Growing up in the arboriculture and lawn care industries has had its challenges, and learning to overcome prejudice has been something that is now second nature. I am grateful to be a part of any movement to raise awareness of the challenges women face in our industry. I hope that by understanding what currently goes on, more support will be offered to others."

Jessica Hutton

jessica hutton oak garden sml

"The industry as a whole needs to get better at looking after women."

Hannah Robinson

hannah robinson brian robinson sml

"This group is important to me because I feel very passionate about encouraging more women into the agricultural and grassland sector due to it being a male dominated industry. I would like to use my experience within the industry to promote jobs for women within agriculture and show them that it is 'ok'."
Sophie Burgess

sophie burgess buxton sml

"I strongly believe that a diverse workplace brings together the strengths and ideas of people from all walks of life. Shining a light on some of the issues currently faced by people in our industry is an important first step in improving diversity going forward."

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