G T Bunning & Sons say they have strengthened their team with the appointment of Blair Allan to area sales manager for Scotland, the north of England and Northern Ireland.
Blair’s appointment fills a newly created position that the company says highlights their commitment to providing high quality service and support to its dealers and customers. Blair’s background is well suited to the role, after growing up on a family dairy farm near Loch Lomond, and he has held several product support and sales positions at dealers and manufacturers in both agriculture and plant.
Most notably, his dealership roles at HRN and James Gordon offered him direct experience with Bunning spreaders.
Blair said, “I know how highly the spreaders are rated by the farmers and contractors who use them and my previous experience has helped me get up to speed quickly. I’ll be supporting dealers and customers with their requests, and understanding the product allows me to respond quickly where required.
Blair began his role in November.