The five-strong team took to the streets in the Great Manchester Run, raising over 70% of their £10,000 target.
Organisers have today revealed another company who have chosen to support November's event.
To ensure prompt availability of systems and spare parts, U.S company will be working with UK dealership who...
Senior figure chooses to pursue a new entrepreneurial project outside of the sector, after 25 years of service.
New partnership says it aims to provide UK dealers and farmers with a comprehensive range of agricultural...
UK firm says they are one of the first to distribute the robots as part of the manufacturer's global expansion
Gary Whitney has announced his is leaving the senior role of management consultant at STIGA UK to set up his own...
P Tuckwell Ltd say the acquisition will see all employees and the existing branch location retained.
Organisers are promising an expanded lineup of exhibitors as well as new features, and experiences.
Designers say they wanted to create a look that showed the combine is "much more than a refresh of existing ideas".
Organisers say the award recognises the provision of an impressive and remarkable golf experience for members and...
Organisers of this autumn's event, the GMA, have revealed the focus of the trade show this year.
Intention is to support responsible management of agricultural plastics and improve the recycling from farms.
Manufacturer's product picks up prize for 'Garden Tool Of The Year' at the recent ceremony.
Partnership means students and apprentices will gain practical experience and training with the latest technology.